Seeking Expressions of Interest for Education Program

Program Operation and Activities

Balaangala is regularly approached by schools to host workshops, talks and tours of the Garden Space. Michelle Peile (Education Program voluntary coordinator) is compiling a list of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are interested and suitably qualified/experienced in providing a workshop/presentation or activity for school groups.

Activities could be based around art; music; dance; language; games; stories from your family or community etc. Balaangala will not ask presenters to do anything that is culturally inappropriate or that presenters do not feel comfortable sharing.

Skills Required

We are looking for people who are comfortable talking to children and/or young adults. We are open to a wide range of activities – presenters’ skills and interests will be matched to relevant workshop requests. Often, more than one presenter is required.

Payment and Hours

Workshop bookings are casual and will be negotiated according to presenters’ availability. When a workshop request comes in, presenters will be contacted with hours, pay rate, age level, requested activities, etc., and can decide to accept based on availability and interest.  Presenters will be paid on the day of the activity.

As well as providing paid work for workshop presenters, if the program builds, it could provide a small income for an Indigenous person as the paid coordinator.

If you would like to find out more, please contact Michelle